The TNE Tech Team…
SPECIAL NOTICE: Whilst we appreciate how important it is, for some to know, precisely who the tech team is behind a coin, we also understand the unique and proprietary properties of the The TNE coin.
As one step in maintaining protection of these proprietary properties, we’ve decided not to disclose the last names of those that helped us build the coin, nor the large tech company they work for.
Rest assured, it is a large, well-established, leading edge, Ukranian tech company with quality controls in place + they specialise in security. (an important reason we chose them)
Inevitably the power of the tech team and their coding comes down to the execution of the coin and the success of it’s proprietary properties.
A review of our Whitepaper will quickly reveal just how complex and valuable the coding is and a quick test of the coin itself, then confirms it works exactly as is promised.
It truly is a one-of-a-kind coin – built to a high-standard… FOR THE PEOPLE.
***We are particularly grateful, for Anton’s contribution. To have someone of his depth of knowledge “get” what we are trying to achieve and how we very specifically, wanted our algorithm to work – it is just a blessing to us all.
His approach was nothing short of EXACTING and The TNE Whitepaper clearly shows this. Shaune Clarke was right there working closely with Anton to help the TNE digital currency to fulfil its vision of being for The People. A great website to know more about TNE and the full scope of The New Economy is

Lead Developer
- 11 years experience
- Senior Blockchain Coder
- Degree in Economic Cybernetics

R&D Delivery Manager
- 14 Years Experience
- Bachelors in Economics + Specialist
Degree in Mechanics

Senior Tester & Mobile Blockchain
- 6 years experience
- Masters Degree in Computer Science

Security Testing & Blockchain Dev.
- 5 year experience
- Masters in Software Engineering

Blockchain Developer
- 3 years experience
- Bachelors in Software Development
- Speaks 4 languages

Software Developer
- 3 years experience
- Masters in Computer Science

Mobile Developer
- 3 years experience
- Masters in Computer Systems
& Networks

Business Analyst
- 3 years experience
- Degrees in English & Ukranian

- Blockchain Specialist
- TNE Consultant
- Whitepaper Researcher