A New Independent Digital Currency
For The People
We see the weaknesses of traditional cryptocurrency.
We also look beyond that to recognise the tremendous potential of blockchain technology.
We saw the possibility to utilise blockchain technology to build a superior form of digital currency.
An innovative form of digital currency that is not only super-fast and low cost – but has the ability to bring power back to the people.

All The Features of
The TNE Anchored Coin…

Value of the The TNE Coin is – ANCHORED–
To The Last Highest Price of Gold on The Exchange.
How does this work? The short answer is….
An innovative algorithm attempts to influence supply and demand to benefit TNE.
WE HAVE CONSENSUS – Consensus explained…
– Our current money (fiat currency)
has nothing backing its value.
In essence – The reason it has value is because we agree it has value.
To explain…
If you receive a $50 note and also receive a $100 note.
Why is one note worth 2X the other?
There isn’t double the value backing it, so how does it actually have double the value?
It’s simply because we agree.
This is the power of consensus – and we hold this power.
With respect to CONSENSUS & TNE…
***There are hundreds of Businesses who accepting TNE as a currency to buy quality goods
and services. We believe this agreement is the ultimate form of consensus…
Actual transactions for goods – Using The TNE Digital Currency.
***The list of businesses accepting TNE for payment continues to grow, destined to be a global list of thousands.

Additional Features

The TNE Coin Offers…
– Compounding Rewards at 12- 16% – (in the TNE Wallet)
– Compounding Rewards are offered to TNE Wallet holders for agreeing to participate in the network.
Extensive, Third Party, Independent Blockchain Audit…
– Verifying the blockchain speed and other attributes.
Fiat-Backed Reserve Pool…
Fiat reserves are automatically withdrawn from TNE coin sales done by TNE on the TNE exchange (once the TNE exchange is operational).
This is to add fiat reserves, should they be needed, to support the value of the TNE digital currency.
The TNE Coin is a cryptocurrency innovation
that is creating an entirely NEW ECONOMY
where people can exchange value without centralised oversight.”
Speed of transaction – usually within 4 – 10 seconds.
A Complete Digital Currency Eco-System – Including…
– Native Coin + Wallet + Exchange
The TNE Coin Digital Currency is a Native Coin…
Built on it’s own blockchain – Very powerful and not common